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Westport Island History Committee

Celebrates its people and heritage

Causeway Dedication, Westport Island, 1950

Contributed by Westport Island History Committee
MMN Item 100703 Item Details
Causeway Dedication, Westport Island, 1950
MMN Item 100703 Zoom


Maine State Senator Edward Denny (Damariscotta) and his wife prepare to cut the ribbon at the dedication of the Westport Island causeway. Mrs. Denny cut the ribbon, which was stretched across the Wiscasset end of the causeway, to mark the official opening of the bridge.

Pictured left to right are: Lloyd Morton (State Highway Commission Chair), John Swanton Jr., Harry Mosher, Senator Edward Denny, Mrs. Edward Denny, Edwin Cromwell, Dr. Charles DiPerri, and U.S. Congressman Charles Nelson.

Sen. Denny was Chairman of the Westport-Wiscasset Bridge District; Cromwell and Swanton were the Westport members of the Bridge District; and DiPerri and Mosher were the Wiscasset members.

The causeway's toll house is visible in the background at the entrance to Westport Island. For the first five years, vehicles were charged 55 cents one way. The State Highway Commission took over the bridge in 1955, and it became a "free" bridge.

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